An invitation awaits you to a complimentary Zoom call where you can explore whether this journey resonates with your inner self - "Your Fate Vs Your Destiny." Topic: Fate vs Destiny, unlocking your highest potential during challenging times. email me at to set up a complimentary one hour appointment . your zoom link is :


To transform ourselves, we must become fully aware and conscious of who we are. This is the moment in our lives where our patterns of behaviours must change. We will discuss how we sabotage ourselves, how do we fall into victimhood? For those of you who have taken the Archetypes, Angels, Astrology course, you know we all have four universal patterns of behaviour: The child, the prostitute, the saboteur, and the victim. Be sure to join us as we discuss the pattern of behaviours that keep you from reaching your highest potential.

Transformation frees us from our own internal resistance, from the confines of our self-imposed constraints, enabling us to make radical shifts in the way we live. Over time, it aligns our body, heart, and mind with our deeper spiritual nature, which gives us freedom from old, habituated living. With this freedom, we move closer to our highest self, essence, soul or "god self." We are all God Creators, now let us go Create God.

During these difficult days, you may not have the resources to pay full cost of readings or classes. We value you here at Power Up Your Life and accept donations for the classes you are enjoying at this time.


What others are saying about fate vs destiny classes

When we don’t know our Sacred Contract – or higher purpose in life, the result can be depression, anxiety, fatigue, and physical illness. Lilly White takes us through a process in Fate/Destiny Archetype class to decipher our own Sacred Contract—or higher purpose. Lilly always makes this process insightful, intimate, confidential and fun. I am grateful to Lilly for so freely giving of her time and wisdom to help us excel on our journey. Barbara

The classes are helping me to delve into my Archetypes and to understand my true self and why I have made certain choices in my life. Sandy

I have always strived to understand the human subconscious on why we do certain things. Lilly’s insightful and deep understanding of our subconscious and archetypes is extremely enriching . I feel that I am in charge of my destiny because of better knowing myself through this process. Plus, she always astounds me on how she can be so on point. Completely love my time with Lilly and the Fate/Destiny Archetype course and meetings. Louise

I love Lilly’s class. She is personable, knowledgeable, wise and highly intuitive. Her warmth oozes out and allows me to connect with my own knowing and to find the answers I seek. I highly recommend her class. Gina