Be Aware, Be Not afraid

10615386_10152788826737641_7442702017518681469_nNow is not the time to be afraid, be aware. We stand in unison as a collective. We stand in love, courage and will soldier on , no matter what is thrown as us. This is our world. This chaos is happening everywhere, in our mind/bodies, in our homes, our towns, our counties, our planet. Breathe, continue to be in your light, pass that light on and together we will brighten the darkness. "For today, let the spirit of light have us". What does that mean? Allow your attention to be in prayer. Pray all day long if you have to. That does not mean we need to be in meditation, on our knees or in a church. Your mind/body is your church. If you choose to be on your knees , go for it. Continue to be in gratitude, for the small things, the sun, your children, your health , your day. You are alive at this moment, Make the most of it. Help where needed, pray for the families involved in today's terror in Ottawa. Pray for the soldier and his family in Quebec, the soldier here in Ottawa. All is in Divine order. Difficult to believe i realize but nothing is random. Your prayers do make a difference; it is part of your sacred contract. Remember what you came here for. Do not allow the darkness to shadow your light. Be YOU.  You are a beautiful bright being of Light.